wedding story I Kathrin & Manuel I DIY wedding in the old monastery Hedersleben, Quedlinburg, Harz, Germany
A feel-good wedding and baptism not only for the big ones, but especially for the little ones. Those who left their children with grandma and grandpa regretted it. In wonderful sunshine, the wedding couple and guests could enjoy themselves in the parks of Hedersleben Monastery on blankets and pillows under high shady trees with delicious cakes and tarts. For the children there was everything the heart desires and more. The bride and groom visibly enjoyed escaping the cheerful hustle and bustle for the bridal couple shooting twice and strolling through the fairytale monastery garden. In the evening, the monastery's wedding barn, which was lovingly decorated by the bridal couple and the wedding guests themselves, was a real eye-catcher with creative DIY ideas, photo booth, play corner and much more.
location: Monastery Hedersleben, Quedlinburg, Harz, Germany / getting Ready: Monastery Hedersleben / ceremony: church St. Trinitatis Hedersleben / catering: C & S Catering und Service, Wernigerode / bridal dress: Secondhand, Marke: Rembo Styling / bridal bouquet and flowers: Scilla Witte, Halberstadt / make-up artist:, Leipzig / kids animation: Mallikids, Halle (Saale) und DIY Spielecke / DJ: Käptn Timewarp / Dekoration: DIY, :PartYtour, Halberstadt / wedding cake: aunt of the bride
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